2. Get Defold

(As of this writing, Defold editor 2 is still pre-release and still has issues. If you notice any problems please report them on the Github issues repo from within the Defold editor. It's possible that as editor 2 updates some steps in this book will be wrong - feel free to report these issues - the book will be updated when it can be.

Also, if you follow along with Defold editor 1 there may be extra steps which won't be explained here so you will need to do some discovery on your own if you wish to follow with editor version 1.)

Defold can be downloaded directly from the below links:





Download the version appropriate for your OS. You'll want to unzip the editor into a folder which has read and write permissions otherwise the editor may not behave correctly. When you have the editor open it will automatically download the latest updates - a project doesn't have to be open for Defold to automatically download updates. (Normally this is every two weeks, but as editor 2 is still actively being developed new updates happen much more frequently.)

When you first open Defold you'll see a splash like this (with maybe one day your game's art being featured on it!):

Followed by a dialog like this:

You can open projects via logging into a Defold.com account and syncing them from your dashboard there, but for this book we will be working completely outside of this optional system. Defold has support for version control, but we won't be using that either.

When Defold downloads an update you do not need to install it immediately. You can wait until the next time you re-open the application.

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